Abstract:With a panel dataset of 23 provinces from 2002 to 2018, a two-way fixed effects estimator was used to evaluate the impacts of pesticide use on local elders’ medical expenditure as well as on that of elders located in downstream provinces. According to the results, a 1% increase in local per capita pesticide usage led to an increase of approximately 15.26 yuan in per capita medical expenditure for the local elders, while the effect of local pesticide use for elders located in downstream provinces was statistically insignificant. Heterogeneous effects were observed based on drinking water sources. In particular, a 1% increase in local per capita pesticide use led to an increase of approximately 179.50 yuan on medical expenditure for elders who relied on non-tap water sources. These results suggested that local governments should continue to implement agricultural and environmental policies that reduce local pesticide usage, address pesticide pollution within province, and increase tap water accessibility for elders in rural areas.
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