Characterization and the source appointment of atmospheric dustfall based on SEM-EDS——a case of well working coal mining base in desert grassland area
DENG Ya-yuan1, ZHAO Ting-ning1, ZHANG Yan1, SHI Chang-qing1, YUE Li-ling2, CHEN Tong1, WU Hong-xuan1, HU Ping1
1. School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Zaoquan Coal Mine of Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd., China Energy Investment Corporation, Lingwu 751114, China
Abstract:It was used methods of scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) to analyse the particle-size characteristics, morphology and elemental composition of individual particles for 23 samples of atmospheric dustfall which were collected in five kinds of tpyical area such as coal industrial area, coal road, electric power industrial area, commercial and residential area, desert area, from March to May in 2019. The results indicated that the overall morphology of atmospheric dustfall in each area was basically similar, incuding near-spheroidal, similar-ellipsoid, graininess, bulk, columnar/flake particle, and the aggregate. Furthermore, there was spherical particle in industrial area, commercial and residential area and the coal road area. The gain size >10μm particle was the main kind of dustfall in all areas, the average particle size of atmospheric dustfall in electric power industrial area, commercial and residential area, desert area and coal industrial area was >100μm which particle accounted for 65% in total dustfall amount, the average particle size in coal road area was 67.59μm in which >50μm size particle is accounted for 53%. Therefore, the atmospheric dustfall was mainly composed of fine silt, coarse silt and fine sand. The mineral type of atmospheric dustfall belong to silicate mineral (Quartz, Orthoclaseb and Plagioclase), carbonate mineral (Calcite and Dolomite), sulfate mineral (Gypsum) and Kaolinite in all areas. Besides, there are iron-rich particle which existed in coal road area, coal industrial area and electric power industrial area, magnesium-iron particle in coal industrial area, soot aggregate and fly ash in coal road area, coal industrial area, electric power industrial area, commercial and residential area. The dustfall source was mainly from local area, including soil dust, industrial dust, construction dust, secondary chemical product in all areas, there are wear of motor vehicle parts which existed in coal road area, coal industrial area and electric power industrial area, motor vehicle exhaust emissions and coal-burning products in coal road area, coal industrial area and electric power industrial area, commercial and residential area.
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DENG Ya-yuan, ZHAO Ting-ning, ZHANG Yan, SHI Chang-qing, YUE Li-ling, CHEN Tong, WU Hong-xuan, HU Ping. Characterization and the source appointment of atmospheric dustfall based on SEM-EDS——a case of well working coal mining base in desert grassland area. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(12): 5512-5521.
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