Dry deposition and fate of PCBs in a semi-arid and industrialized city, China
MAO Xiao-xuan1, SONG Shi-jie1, LI Zi-xuan1, ZHANG Xiao-dong2, GAO Hong1, MA Jian-min2, HUANG Tao1, LI Chun-xin3
1. Key Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Prediction and Control, Gansu Province, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 3. Gansu Chemical Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract:A passive dry deposition sampler (PAS-DD) was used to monitor the atmospheric dry deposition fluxes and research the contamination characteristics of 18 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Gaolan County, a semi-arid region of China, during the non-heating and heating seasons of 2018, and the sources and environmental fate of PCBs were analyzed and simulated using principle component analysis and multimedia environmental model. The PCBs dry deposition fluxes ranged from 13.0 to 158.8ng/(m2·d), and increased significantly during the heating season. Besides, the highest dry deposition flux was observed at the industrial estate. Tetra-PCBs and penta-PCBs were the dominant homologue groups, and the dry deposition fluxes of tetra-PCBs increased during the heating season. PCB-containing products, combustion and industrial thermal processes were considered to be the main PCBs emission sources. However, the unintentionally produced PCBs from combustion and industrial thermal processes may have a greater impact on the PCBs contamination in the study area. Soil was found to be the major PCB81 sink in the study area, and the transport of PCB81 from air to soil was the main environmental transport process; Atmospheric advection was a vital way of removing PCB81; Pollutant emission rate, advective flow residence time, and advective inflow concentration were important factors affecting the concentration of PCB81 in the atmosphere and soil.
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MAO Xiao-xuan, SONG Shi-jie, LI Zi-xuan, ZHANG Xiao-dong, GAO Hong, MA Jian-min, HUANG Tao, LI Chun-xin. Dry deposition and fate of PCBs in a semi-arid and industrialized city, China. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(4): 1521-1529.
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