Abstract:Based on Fuyuan area in Sanjiang Plain, a typical agricultural area of a sedimentary basin, the study analyzed the regional hydrochemical effect and inorganic nitrogen pollution characteristics with the hydrochemical methods and GIS technology. The nitrogen source and contribution ratio of each pollution source were determined through the distribution characteristics of nitrogen, oxygen bistable isotopes and stable isotope analysis model (SIAR). With the understanding of affecting factors on the changes of nitrogen concentration, the regional hydrochemical evolution model of nitrogen were established. These results showed that 56.52% of groundwater had ammonia nitrogen concentration exceeding the standard rate in the study area and the average milligram equivalent percentage accounted for 55.50% of the total inorganic nitrogen, which was the most important index of groundwater inorganic nitrogen pollution. Soil organic nitrogen, manure sewage and ammonia fertilizer were the main sources of nitrogen pollution in the runoff recharge area, and the contribution ratios of each pollution source was 40.49%, 30.24% and 29.27% respectively in descending order. The groundwater recharge area was the most polluted area of ammonia nitrogen, while the discharge area was the relatively serious pollution area of nitrate nitrogen. The redox conditions were the key factor affected the nitrogen concentration. In the process of spatial and temporal evolution of nitrogen, the nitrogen concentration in the first terrace and floodplain area increased in varying degrees except the natural hydrochemical state in the second terrace.
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