Study of soil environmental criteria of copper for protection of terrestrial ecosystem
HUANG Xing-hua1,2, LI Xu-zhi1, WANG Guo-qing1, JIANG Jin-lin1, LONG Tao1, WANG Xiao-zhi2
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Soil Environmental Management and Pollution Control, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, China; 2. College of Environment Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China
Abstract:The 10% effect concentration (EC10) and no effect concentration (NOEC) of Cu eco-toxicity were collected and screened from toxicity database and the published literature. Species sensitivity distribution (SSD) was performed to construct the SSD models for plants/invertebrates and ecological processes. The soil ecological safety thresholds were derived based on the model averaging method. For protecting the plants and invertebrates, soil thresholds of Cu were 10.9~38.9, 21.0~77.5, 36.6~124 and 47.6~151mg/kg for natural reserve/agricultural land, park, residential land and industry/commercial land, respectively, while soil thresholds were 4.49~72.2mg/kg(natural reserve/agricultural land), 19.9~135mg/kg (park), 60.9~220mg/kg (residential land) and 96.8~277mg/kg (industry/commercial land) for considering the soil microbial community.
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HUANG Xing-hua, LI Xu-zhi, WANG Guo-qing, JIANG Jin-lin, LONG Tao, WANG Xiao-zhi. Study of soil environmental criteria of copper for protection of terrestrial ecosystem. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(10): 4720-4730.
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