Measuring the recycling potential of spent aircraft in China
XIONG Xin1,2, ZENG Xian-lai1, HU Zhao-ji2
1. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. School of Resources & Environment, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China
Abstract:To clarify the obsolescent mechanism and recycling potential of spent aircraft in China, we considered the five typical aircraft types in this study. First, the retention coefficient method is used to measure the generation of spent aircraft and then to estimate the recycling potential of valuable resources (e.g., ferrous, nonferrous, and rare metals) in spent aircraft. The main findings were identified as follows:the potential weight of spent aircraft grew rapidly from 472 tons in 2015 to 1034 tons in 2020; the economic potential of spent aircraft increased from 6.3million tons in 2015 to 15million tons in 2020. Among all aircraft types, Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 have the largest scrap volume, and nonferrous metals account for the majority proportion of aircraft. Therefore, the relevant recycling enterprises can focus upon these two types of aircraft when planning the future capacity allocation, and foster the recycling technology of nonferrous metals.
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