Abstract:The effect of ammonium concentrations on the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) activity of simultaneous partial nitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidization and denitrification (SNAD) biofilm was investigated in batch tests. The SNAD biofilm reactor performed stable nitrogen removal performance with the influent of domestic wastewater. The average influent NH4+-N and COD concentrations were 70mg/L and 180mg/L, respectively. As a result, the average effluent NH4+-N, NO2--N and NO3--N concentrations were 2mg/L, 2mg/L, 7mg/L and 50mg/L, respectively. The SNAD biofilm performed good Anammox activity. The NH4+-N, NO2--N and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal rates were 0.121kg N/(kg VSS·d), 0.180kg N/(kg VSS·d) and 0.267kg N/(kg VSS·d) with the initial NH4+-N and NO2--N concentrations of both 70mg/L. Moreover, Haldane model was applied to investigate the ammonium inhibition on the Anammox process. There is no obvious difference in kinetic coefficients of ammonium inhibition under high or low FA conditions. As for M1 (FA ranges of 0.7mg/L and 20.4mg/L), the rmax, Ks and KI of ammonium were 0.209kg NO2--N/(kg VSS·d), 9.5mg/L and 422mg/L. As for M2 (FA ranges of 6.3mg/L and 190.5mg/L), the rmax, Ks and KI of ammonium were 0.221kg NO2--N/(kg VSS·d), 6.1mg/L and 597mg/L. Ammonium rather than FA is the main inhibitor for Anammox process.
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