The chemical sensitivity of O3 production was assessed using HCHO and NO2 vertical column densities (VCDs) in BTH and its surrounding areas during the period of June to September from 2005~2016, since HCHO/NO2 serves as a proxy for the sensitivity. The results showed that VOCs-limited was mainly concentrated in the central areas in the industrial cities, e.g. Beijing, Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang, etc. NOx -limited regime concentrated in north of Beijing, Hebei Province, most areas of Henan Province, and the coastal cities in Shandong Province. The proportion of VOCs-limited conditions of O3 production increased first and then reduced to 3% in BTH and its surrounding areas in 2016. At the same time, NOx -limited regime showed a trend of increase after the first reduce, and the areas accounted for 65% in 2016. The main reason was that the NOx emission control during "12th five-year plan" was remarkably effective. The results showed VOCs-limited regimes increased significantly in September, with transitions in regimes of NOx -limited into mixed NOx -VOCs-limited, and mixed NOx -VOCs-limited regimes into VOCs-limited regimes compared with June-August.
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