This study reported the variety of total phosphorus (TP), protein and polysaccharide of soluble microbial products (SMP) in excess sludge of anaerobic digestion process. Furthermore, the distribution of SMP components was studied by three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix spectra and liquid chromatography-organic carbon detection (LC-OCD) technology. The relationship between TP and components of SMP were also investigated by grey correlation degree. As anaerobic time went on, the concentration of protein and polysaccharide gradually increased, whereas TP concentration increased firstly and then decreased after its maximum level 14.15mg/gVSS reached at day 4, which indicated that there was an optimal time for phosphorus release in the sludge anaerobic process. The fluorescence intensity of fulvic acid-like and humic acid-like substances increased during the anaerobic period, but the fluorescence intensity of microbial metabolites increased first and then decreased. The high molecular weight substances contained by biopolymers and humics increased gradually, the middle molecular weight substances increased firstly and then decreased while the low molecular weight organics appeared an inverse tendency. The variation of protein, polysaccharide and Humics concentration showed a significant correlation with TP release.
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