Characteristics of three-dimensional fluorescence on CDOM of the sewage into city segment of a typical northwest inland river
CHENG Yan1,2, HU Xia3, DU Jia-qiang4, Jiaerheng ARHATI1,2, ZHANG Jian3, XIE A-ting5, WANG Yue5
1. Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Urumqi 830011, China;
2. Xinjiang Key Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Risk Warning, Urumqi 830011, China;
3. College of Resource and Environmental Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
4. State key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijng 10012, China;
5. College of Pratacultural and Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
16water samples of wastewater outlets into the city segment of a typical northwest inland river were collected in August 2017, and the EEMs spectroscopy of CDOM were measured. Fluorescence spectral characteristics, composition, types and potential sources of all water samples' CDOM were deeply analyzed. The results showed the same wastewatertype shared some similarities, and most outlets included the humic acid-like fluorescence peak A. However, wastewater affected by anthropogenic activities including industrial sewage and residential sewage was an exception. Three separate fluorescent components were identified as two humic acid-like components (C1:272, 437/545nm; C3:281, 368/437nm) and one protein-like component (C2:<2150, 281/366nm) by using excitation emission matrices fluorescence spectroscopy-parallel factor analysis technique (EEMS-PARAFAC). C1 and C3 shared the same source, and the position of fluorescence peak A and C for humic acid-like components showed degradation and red-shift phenomenon. The fluorescence peak T for protein-like component was stable, indicating that C2 can be used as an indicator for studying the DOM sources of river segment. The fluorescence indexes of CDOM such as FI、HIX、BIX could sensitively reflect anthropogenic activity disturbance to water quality. The FI and BIX of industrial and residential sewage discharges were different from those of otheremission sources, and they indicated the existence of man-made pollution sensitively. Certain linear correlation relationships were found between the optical parameters (a(280), a (350), a (355)) of samples' CDOM, fluorescence peak strength and TOC and COD, which can be used to characterize the organic pollution level. Great linear fitting relationships were also found among the scores of C1, C2, C3 and TOC and TN of 16samples, indicating that the scores of C1, C2, C3 could be used to trace the TOC and TN of river discharge source.
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CHENG Yan, HU Xia, DU Jia-qiang, Jiaerheng ARHATI, ZHANG Jian, XIE A-ting, WANG Yue. Characteristics of three-dimensional fluorescence on CDOM of the sewage into city segment of a typical northwest inland river. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(7): 2680-2690.
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