In order to assess the effect of meteorological conditions on air pollution quantitatively and predict the air pollution potential, the Atmospheric Self-cleaning ability Index (ASI) was defined based on the prediction principle of city air pollution prediction system (CAPPS). Both computational methods of ASI using observational data of meteorological stations and the meso-scale modelling result were introduced. The analysis of ASI in China showed that the lowest ASI was located in Sichuan Basin and Talimu Basin in Xinjiang, and the highest ASI was located in Plateau, island and peninsula areas. The decrease of ASI and the increase of the low ASI days of a year were found in regions of Jing-Jin-Ji, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta from 1961 to 2017. The effect evaluation of air pollution prevention and control during the Beijing APEC conference using ASI showed that the AQI in Beijing decreased by 77% and the mean AQI of 11cities in Jing-Jin-Ji Plain decreased by 37% because of the emission reduction while the worst air pollution meteorological condition happened in 8th~10th Nov. 2014. An air pollution potential prediction system on extended and monthly scales, which can predict nationwide daily ASI of 40 days in advance, was set up based on the combination of the production of the extended and monthly dynamical climate model (DERF2.0) and the downscaling of WRF model. The historical simulation experiment showed that the system could forecast the process of heavy air pollution events 15days in advance in most cases, and the forecast accuracy depended on the extended and monthly dynamical climate model (DERF2.0) to a considerable extent.
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