Abstract:Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of dehydrated sludge was conducted for bio-oil production in the present study. Results showed that the removal of extracellular polymeric substance caused organic matter to break down into organic polymer compounds at high temperature and promoted the formation of bio-oil. Compared with the non-pretreatment sludge, subcritical water (SCW) pretreatment promoted the deamination reaction and the nitrogen content reduced by 51.74% in the bio-oil. Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) pretreatment promoted 19.3wt% of organic matter from the aqueous and gaseous phases to the oil phase and the acid content reduced by 13.49wt%. CTAB-SCW combined pretreatment the bio-oil yield increased by 66.92% and the alcohol content by 28.32%. Transesterification reaction in the combined pretreatment was the main reaction, at the same time, the nucleophilic reaction, the oxidation reaction and the elimination reaction were also remarkably enhanced.
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