The research was conducted in the Luanhe, Chaohe and Baihe river basins, which were the important water conservation areas of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. By analyzing the changes of land use and landscape pattern in 2010 and 2015, the spatial and temporal distribution and characteristics of land use transfer and landscape pattern were studied. The distribution and change of water conservation in the study area during this period were simulated by SWAT model and compared with precipitation. Also, the influence of landscape pattern change on water conservation were calculated by partial correlation analysis method. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between water conservation and PLAND, NP, LPI, LSI, COHESION indices were -0.846, -0.635, 0.468, 0.523, 0.918, respectively. The relationships between landscape pattern and water conservation were concluded as followed:Water conservation would be increased when the higher landscape diversity, higher degree of aggregation, more complex, irregular and dominant of the landscape shape were shown, Fragmentation of the landscape might cut down the water conservation capacity significantly.
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