Abstract:The variations in concentration and diameter distribution of newly formed particulate matter, during the gas-to-solid conversion of the SO2-NO2-NH3-H2O quaternary system, were experimentally investigated with the smog chamber in this article. This quaternary system had a significant capability of nucleation, and a large nucleation intensity in such a short duration. When both of SO2 and NO2 concentrations were 200mg/m3 and NH3 concentration was 12×10-6, the total concentration of aerosols in this system reached a peak of 2.5×106cm-3 over two minute. Moreover, the nucleation strength of the aerosol would be reduced lacking in any one among three gases. Like this typical condition that SO2, NO2 or NH3 concentration was zero, the maximum concentration of aerosols decreased by 41.0%, 83.6% and 98.5%, respectively. Within the concentration ranges of SO2, NO2 or NH3 emitted from coal-fired power plants, the NO2 had a greater influence than SO2 on the formation and agglomeration of newly formed particles. Based on experimental results, the fitting curves for nucleation characteristics of particulate matters were made. A linear correlation was observed between the total number concentration of newly formed particles and median particle diameter, and gaseous pollutant concentrations. The Brown agglomeration model was adopted to simulate the changes in total number concentration and particle size distribution of aerosols after nucleation in the agglomeration process. Finally, a method was proposed for predicting the change in the particle size distribution and total number concentration of aerosol particles, based on the typical emission concentrations of SO2, NO2 and NH3 from coal-fired power plants.
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