Levels and sources of black carbon around the spring festival at a rural site of the North China Plain
LIU Xi1, KONG Shao-fei1, ZHENG Shu-rui1, ZHENG Huang1, YAN Qin1, WU Jian1, CHENG Yi1, WU Fang-qi1, NIU Zhen-zhen1, ZENG Xin1, CHEN Nan2, XU Ke2, QI Shi-hua1,3
1. School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Hubei Environmental Monitoring Center, Wuhan 430072, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract:To obtain the mass concentrations, diurnal variations and sources of black carbon (eBC) aerosol around the Chinese spring festival (SF) in rural regions of the North China Plain, one-month (2018-2-12~2018-3-12) online continuous measurement of black carbon was conducted at a rural site in Henan province. During the SF, the eBC concentration was highest, (8.22±4.17)μg/m3, suggesting intensive emissions from anthropogenic activities. Before the SF, the contribution of biomass burning was the largest (41.1±5.3)%, and then gradually decreased down to (26.8±12.0)%. During the study period, the calculated AAE value (1.40±0.16) indicated that the contribution of biomass burning to eBC was close to that of fossil fuel in this area. Compared with some urban sites, the AAE value in this study was higher. Before and after the SF, the eBC mass concentrations show significant diurnal variations, with 2 peak values occurring at 07:00~09:00 and around 20:00 (local time). During the SF, the diurnal variation of eBC mass concentration did not fluctuate obviously. According to the concentration-weighted trajectories analysis, the main potential source regions of eBC were Shanxi, Shaanxi, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces during the SF. In other two periods, Henan and Hubei provinces could be the main impact regions. This study is meaningful to identify the impact of BC emitted from rural combustion sources on regional haze formation and evolution, and it can also supply the dataset for corresponding modeling of BC's impacts on climate, air quality and human health.
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LIU Xi, KONG Shao-fei, ZHENG Shu-rui, ZHENG Huang, YAN Qin, WU Jian, CHENG Yi, WU Fang-qi, NIU Zhen-zhen, ZENG Xin, CHEN Nan, XU Ke, QI Shi-hua. Levels and sources of black carbon around the spring festival at a rural site of the North China Plain. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(8): 3169-3177.
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