Industrial pollution emissions based on thermal anomaly remote sensing monitoring:A case study of Southern Hebei urban agglomerations, China
SUN Shuang1, LI Ling-jun2, ZHAO Wen-ji1, WANG Li-li1, QIU Yun2, JIANG Lei2, ZHANG Li-kun2
1. School of Resources, Environment & Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;
2. Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center, Beijing 100048, China
The urban agglomerations of southern Hebei were selected as the study area. Statistical and spatial analysis methods were applied to a variety of datasets including VⅡRS thermal anomaly products from 2012~2016, industrial energy consumption, industrial exhaust emissions and air quality data. The variation law of radiation intensity of thermal anomaly was the main principle examined with the data on industrial energy consumption and pollution emissions. The fire radiative power of thermal anomalies can characterize industrial energy consumption and indirectly reflect industrial production scale and pollution emission levels. The greater the fire radiative power, the larger the scale of industrial production. Radiation intensity was highly correlated with industrial SO2 emissions and moderately linear with NOx emissions. The grey correlations between pollutant's concentration and industrial energy consumption, pollutant concentration and thermal anomaly radiation intensity were both higher. Among the pollutants produced by industrial production activities, particulate matter had the highest contribution to atmospheric pollution, followed by SO2. In the 2012~2016 period, the spatial distribution of industrial production in Handan, Shijiazhuang and Langfang showed a trend toward shrinking year by year. The industrial production of Baoding and Cangzhou showed a trend of migration to the south and west.
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