Socioeconomic drivers of resource consumption of China's heavy chemical industry sectors
PIAN Zi-hao1, CHEN Ding-jiang1,2, ZHU Bing1,2, HU Shan-ying1,2
1. Center for Industrial Ecology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Institute of Circular Economy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Based on input-output model and input-output table of China, we studied the distribution of embodied resource consumption of China's heavy chemical industry by sectors and final demand types, and the contribution of five socioeconomic drivers to resource consumption of China's heavy chemical industry. Results quantitatively confirmed that more than 75% of resource consumption of China's heavy chemical industry was embodied in the final products of construction industry and other manufacturing industries, more than 55% was embodied in the final products that formed capital in 2012. Resource intensity contributed to the decrease of fossil energy and limestone consumption of China's heavy chemical industry by -108% and -265% from 2002 to 2012, but drove the increase of iron ore consumption by +152%. Production structure contributed to the increase of fossil energy and limestone consumption of China's heavy chemical industry by +39% and +237%. Final demand level per capita contributed to the increase of all the three kinds of resource's consumption of China's heavy chemical industry by +247%, +460% and +291%.
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PIAN Zi-hao, CHEN Ding-jiang, ZHU Bing, HU Shan-ying. Socioeconomic drivers of resource consumption of China's heavy chemical industry sectors. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(7): 3113-3119.
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