Nitrogen removal characteristics of a highly adaptable Nitrosomonas eutropha CZ-4
XIONG Ying1, XIANG Si1,2, CHENG Kai1
1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Ecological Restoration for River-Lakes and Algal Utilization for College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China; 2. Wuhan Micro-Glory Environmental Technology Innovation Co. Ltd, Wuhan 430068, China
Abstract:A Nitrosomonas strain was isolated from the landfill leachate. It was named as Nitrosomonas eutropha CZ-4 for its 16s rDNA sequence was highly similar to N. eutropha C91at an identity of 99%. This work studied the influences of pH, temperature, free nitrous acid concentration and salinity on the growth of N. eutropha CZ-4, as well as its NH3-N removal abilities in landfill leachate, black odor water and eutrophic lake water. The results showed that the optimum growth pH of the strain was 7.3~8.7, the optimum growth temperature was 30.9℃, and the IC50 of free nitrous acid and salinity was about 0.11mg/L and 2% (in terms of NaCl), respectively. Under the optimal fermentation condition, the maximum NH3-N removal rate reached 58mg/(L·h), and the shortest doubling time was 8.2h. In different types of sewage/surface water (their initial ammonia concentration ranged from 0.66mg/L to 603mg/L), the NH3-N removal rate was up to 11.4mg/(L·h), the doubling time was as short as 10.9h, and the residual NH3-N concentration was down to 0.11mg/L.
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