Using PM2.5 and population grid data, the population exposures risk to PM2.5 in China from 2000 to 2016 were calculated. In addition, the temporal and spatial characteristics of population exposures risk to PM2.5 during the 17 years were analyzed by using Theil-Sen Median trend analysis, standard deviation and Hurst index. The results showed that:①the population exposures risk to PM2.5 in the past 17 years had great differences on both sides of Hu Huanyong Line. The risk in the East was high and in the West was low. The average annual risk in the East was 2.787, while that in the west was 0.065. ②There were obvious differences in the range of risk changes on both sides of the Hu Huanyong line during 2000 to 2016. In the west, the overall trend was declining, while the risk has gone up again obviously in 2011 and 2015; From 2001, the risk in the East increased rapidly and remained stable until 2015, then it fell back. ③The stability and sustainability of the population exposures risk to PM2.5 were significantly different on both sides of Hu Huanyong Line. The main characteristics of the population exposures risk to PM2.5 were instability and weak anti-sustainability in the East and stability and strong sustainability in the west. ④The total population and population density at dangerous and extremely dangerous levels showed a high spatial distribution in the East and a low spatial distribution in the West.
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