Analysis on denitrification mechanism of low temperature wastewater treatment by three-stage AO coupling process
WANG Fan1, LI Jun2, AI Sheng-shu1, ZHU Sui-yi1,3, NIE Ze-bing1,3, YAN Yi-ming1, BIAN Dei-jun1,3
1. Jilin Key Laboratory of Urban Sewage Treatment, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China;
2. College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;
3. Science and Technology Innovation Center for Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Water Quality Protection, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130117, China
The three-stage AO coupled biofilm reactor was used to treat low-temperature wastewater. At the temperature was (10±1)℃, the hydraulic retention time(HRT) was controlled to 8h, the inlet flow distribution ratio was 3:2:1, and the sludge reflux ratio was 50%, then the low-temperature sewage removal effect of the coupled process, the change rule of pollutants in the reactor, the removal rule of nitrogen at each stage, and the system's nitrification and denitrification performance were studied. The removal efficiency of COD and NH4+-N in the coupled process were exceeded 90%, and the removal efficiency of TN and TP reaches 80%. Moreover, the concentration of biofilm in the reactor ranged from 400 to 800mg/L, the removal rate of NH4+-N at all stage of the system were exceeded 80%. The denitrification rate and the rate of aerobic simultaneous nitrification were 50.15% and 26.05%, respectively. Affected by the substrate concentration and the number of functional bacteria, the reactor's second-stage specific nitrification rate and specific denitrification rate were the highest.
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WANG Fan, LI Jun, AI Sheng-shu, ZHU Sui-yi, NIE Ze-bing, YAN Yi-ming, BIAN Dei-jun. Analysis on denitrification mechanism of low temperature wastewater treatment by three-stage AO coupling process. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(3): 1059-1067.
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