Based on the field investigation, dynamic monitoring and data analysis, the present study took the Hunhe River Basin as the research area according to the actual conditions of Hunhe River Basin included hydrological and hydrogeological conditions, and established the coupled model of surface water and groundwater current and water quality respectively. The simulation objects included surface water, aeration zone water and saturated zone water. The present study associated surface water with ground water and solved simultaneously by using HydroGeoSphere (HGS) technology system, and respectively corrected and tested the coupled model of surface water and groundwater current and water quality based on synchronization dynamic monitoring data of surface water and ground water. Further, with the setting circumstances, the present study predicted the future water pollution status of surface and ground water in Hunhe River Basin using the coupled model established before. These results showed that the coupled model of surface water and groundwater current and water quality based on HGS technology system can depict the movement rules of surface water and groundwater respectively, as well as the hydraulic relation and law of mutual transformation between them. If the surface water is polluted (e.g., fertilizing farmland), not only impact itself but also affect the groundwater, and vice versa.
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