Research on the design of point source water quality-based effluent limitations system in China
SONG Guo-jun1,2, REN Mu-hua1, FU Rao3
1. School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. Yangtze River Economic Zone Research Institution of RUC, Beijing 100872, China; 3. Research Center for Rural Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100872, China
Abstract:China's existing effluent limitations for point sources of water pollution can not ensure that the receiving water body meets the water quality standards. This paper first studied the experience of the design rules and methods for water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) of the United States; subsequently, the necessity of establishing the WQBELs in China was demonstrated and a policy framework of WQBELs was put forward; finally, several policy suggestions were proposed, such as application of WQBELs should be supplemented in relevant laws and regulations; WQBELs must be calculated and compared with technology-based limitations (TBELs), and the stricter one should be adopted in point source discharge permits; the provincial government should be given the authority to formulate regulations for the delimitation of mixing zones.
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SONG Guo-jun, REN Mu-hua, FU Rao. Research on the design of point source water quality-based effluent limitations system in China. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(8): 3654-3661.
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