Study on the removal performance of antimony (V) by preloading iron salt floc and ultrafiltration
YAO Meng1, RAN Zhi-lin1, LU Wen-jing2, HE Wei-peng3, WANG Guo-sheng1, ZHU Min-yi1
1. Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen 518172, China; 2. China Machinery International Engineering Design and Research Institute, Changsha 410007, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Abstract:The coupling technology of "iron salt floc preloading-ultrafiltration" can effectively improve the removal effect of metal antimony in water and alleviate ultrafiltration fouling. The results showed that the removal efficiency of antimony (V) was more than 98% and the effluent concentration of antimony (V) was far lower than 5μg/L, when the pH of water samples was less than 7. The removal efficiency of humic acid can maintain more than 95% under different chemical conditions. The iron salt flocs preloading layer could play the barrier role for the ultrafiltration membrane, which could reduce the chance of ultrafiltration membrane to contact with pollutants. When the pH of the water samples was 6, the relative value of the irreversible pollution could reach as least as 0.015.
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