Mechanism of thermal-activated persulfate combined with coagulation in the treatment of microemulsion
ZHONG Min1, LI Meng1, LU Fang2, ZHANG Qian1
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Anhui Transport Consulting & Design Institute Co. Ltd., Hefei 230000, China
Abstract:As for the microemulsion in metallurgical wastewater discharged from cold-rolling process, the existence of non-ionic surfactant with longer ether chain and more αH made the system highly stable and difficult to be degrade. Therefore, thermal-activated persulfate(PS) was used for demulsification pretreatment and the subsequent coagulation was applied to achieve efficient oil-water separation. The influence of PS concentration, temperature and pH value of system was studied first. Electron paramagnetic resonance and other analytical technologies were employed to determine the types and the contribution of free radicals. The initial and the final composition of microemulsion were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the diameter of oil droplets was determined via laser particle size analysis. The results showed that the increase of both PS concentration and temperature and the decrease of pH value were conducive to removing COD. The degradation process contained the demulsification via SO4-. and OH. and the destabilization of strongly hydrophobic oil droplets by the addition of Polymeric Ferric Sulfate, and SO4-. was identified as the dominant species for demulsification(with the contribution of 86.33%). The comparative evaluation showed that the combined process was better than the barely thermal-activated PS in COD removal and treatment cost.
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