Abstract:A novel chelating surfactant named N-lauroyl ethylenediamine triacetate (LED3A) assisted phytoremediation of Cd by ryegrass was studied under hydroponics conditions. Physiological responses of ryegrass, as well as the Cd removal efficiency, in Cd or LED3A alone and combination treatments were investigated. The results indicated that the biomass and photosynthetic pigments of ryegrass significantly declined under Cd stress. LED3A plus Cd addition would lead to slight increase of the inhibition mentioned above. The chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in ryegrass of CL100 treatment were decreased by 15.50% and 8.18% compared with CL0. No obvious changes of ryegrass biomass were observed with increasing LED3A concentration when LED3A was added alone. The relative electrical conductivity (REC) of ryegrass cells were increased by LED3A, which may increase the permeability of the cell membrane and hence promote Cd uptake by ryegrass. An appropriate quantity of LED3A could enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxide enzyme (POD) of ryegrass under Cd stress, suggesting a positive role of LED3A in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS), alleviating Cd toxicity and preventing malonyldialdehyde (MDA) accumulation. At optimal LED3A dosage (50mg/L), the total Cd accumulation amount and Cd translocation factor in ryegrass were increased by 74.39% and 67.96% compared with the Cd treatment alone. The optimal removal efficiency of Cd was reached 55.98%. The studies have shown that the addition of LED3A can effectively improve the phytoremediation efficiency of Cd in Cd contaminated water.
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