Abstract:Taking the pilot policy of Xin'an river basin horizontal ecological compensation as a quasi-natural experiment, the difference-in-difference method was used to systematically examine the impact of pilot policy on the economic development of the upper and lower reaches of Xin'an river basin, based on the county-level panel data in Anhui and Zhejiang in 2001~2017. The results showed that the pilot policy had restrained the economic development of the upstream areas to a certain extent, and the per capita GDP and regional GDP of the relevant regions had declined. However, it had no significant effect on the economic development of the downstream areas. These conclusions were still valid after several robustness tests. Moreover, the negative impact of pilot policy on economic development of the upstream areas increased firstly and then decreased. Additionally, the driving mechanism analysis showed that the number of "industrial enterprises above designated size" decreased significantly in the five pilot counties, and revealed that "enterprise exit" was an important reason for the negative impact of Xin'an pilot policy on the economic development of the upstream regions. This study could provide reference for the formulation and implementation of the benefit allocation mechanism of trans-regional water resources protection.
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