Abstract:VOCs samples from workshops and outlets were collected from four types of typical industrial coating industries in Hebei Province, 102 VOCs species were detected and analyzed, and the VOCs emission characteristics of workshops and outlets in four industries were obtained. The results showed that VOCs emission concentrations vary greatly among different industries due to the influence of type of coating, usage amount and other factors. Aromatics and oxygenated VOCs were the main components in furniture manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing and special equipment manufacturing industries, accounting for 14.7%~88.3% and 10.1%~64.7%, respectively. The proportion of halo-hydrocarbons in metal products industry was 59.2%~86.9%. The end-of-pipe treatment had the greatest effect on aromatics, and the proportions of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, trimethylbenzene, butyl acetate and 2-butanone at the outlets were significantly lower than that in the workshops. The contributions of aromatics to ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAP) were the highest, and the end-of-pipe treatment had a significant reduction effect on OFP, SOAP and source reactivity (SR). The differences in the SR of various sources were obvious, and it is suggested to strengthen the control of industries with high SR value.
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