Ozone pollution synoptic patterns and their variation characteristics in Guangdong Province
LI Ting-yuan1, CHEN Jing-yang1, WENG Jia-feng2, SHEN Jin3, GONG Yu1
1. Guangdong Ecological Meteorological Center (Pearl River Delta Center for Environmental Meteorology Prediction and Warning), Guangzhou 510640, China; 2. Zhaoqing Meteorology Bureau, Zhaoqing 526060, China; 3. Guangdong Environment Monitoring Center, Guangzhou 510308, China
Abstract:Based on the surface observation data, reanalysis data as well as the SOM objective classification method, ozone pollution synoptic patterns and their variation characteristics in Guangdong (GD) during 2015~2020 were diagnosed and analyzed by different seasons and regions. The ozone pollution kept an upward tendency year by year from 2015 to 2019, with an impressive increase from 2017 to 2019 but a dramatic decrease in 2020. Changes in meteorological conditions and pollutant emissions played an important role in the variation of O3 pollution. The ozone concentration in dry season was close to or higher than that in wet season, and the number of polluted cities during dry season was also close to wet season. Weak cold high ridge (HR) was the dominant synoptic pattern affecting the ozone pollution, which caused 526cities over standard during 6years. The dominant synoptic patterns of ozone pollution in GD were HR and typhoon periphery (TP) in dry and wet season, respectively. The proportion of pollution days under the control of HR in dry season raised obviously, which surpassed TP in wet season and became the most important weather type affecting ozone pollution. Under the control of HR, the transport paths of ozone in four regions mainly included northeast path and coastal path. Regional ozone pollution in PRD and North-GD were greatly affected by local emissions under the control of TP and DR in wet season, respectively.
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