Causes and sources of heavy ozone pollution in Chengdu
SONG Meng-di1, FENG Miao2, LI Xin1, TAN Qin-wen2, SONG Dan-lin2, LIU He-fan2, DONG Hua-bin1, CENG Li-min1, LU Ke-ding1, ZHANG Yuan-hang1
1. International Joint Laboratory for Regional Pollution Control, Ministry of Education, State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. Chengdu Academy of Environmental Sciences, Chengdu 610072, China
Abstract:Based on the method of source analysis, a relatively serious ozone pollution event in Chengdu in 2020 was studied. The results shown that, the pollution event showed a trend of clean-pollution-clean, and the pollution event lasted for 9 days, with the maximum hourly ozone concentration reaching 258.8μg/m3. Meteorological conditions played a vital role in the formation of O3 in Chengdu. Among them, temperature and O3 concentration shown a significant positive correlation. The northeast wind mainly appeared before and after the pollution event, which might dilute and diffuse the concentration of ozone; the southeast wind mainly appeared during the pollution event and had a transmission effect on O3. Alkenes and aromatics played a leading role in the O3 formation in Chengdu which were important precursors for ozone pollution control. Gasoline vehicle emissions(+combustion sources) were the primary source of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in Chengdu(27.3%~58.7%), and had a significant increase during the pollution event. Chengdu should focus on effective control measures for gasoline vehicle emissions(+ combustion sources) in the treatment of ozone pollution. In the heavy ozone pollution events, accurate identification of the cause of O3 pollution is a prerequisite for pollution control. Based on the comprehensive analysis of meteorological factors and ozone sources in Chengdu, two pollution scenarios were found:scenario of synergy between local production and transport, and scenario of regional transport.Therefore, under the pollution scenario of synergy between local production and transport, it is necessary to take measures to control the emission of precursors, pay close attention to the transmission of ozone, and strengthen joint prevention and control. Under the pollution scenario of regional transport, the control measures should be focused on regional joint prevention and control.
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SONG Meng-di, FENG Miao, LI Xin, TAN Qin-wen, SONG Dan-lin, LIU He-fan, DONG Hua-bin, CENG Li-min, LU Ke-ding, ZHANG Yuan-hang. Causes and sources of heavy ozone pollution in Chengdu. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(3): 1057-1065.
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