Abstract:The daily atmospheric circulation situation and both the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of sand and dust during the first dust weather event in Northern China in 2021 are investigated by using multi-source remote sensing data and NCEP reanalysis data and taking account of the geographical environment and climatic characteristics of the dust source area. The results showed that the abnormal temperature increase and scarce precipitation in the source area lead to a decrease in water content for a large-area bare and loose soil, providing a material basis for the formation of large-scale and high-intensity sand and dust weather; moreover, the frequent activities of cold air turned out to be the driving factor for the outbreak of sand and dust weather. Sand and dust were transported and diffused along the southeast direction in strong winds to the downstream areas. Northwest China, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and northern Jiangnan were affected by sand and dust weather in sequence, where air quality were rapidly deteriorated with the primary pollutant PM10. In addition, the eastward migration of sand and dust aerosols also affected downstream areas such as the Korean Peninsula and Japan. During the transportation process, the sand and dust in the inland areas were mainly distributed in the altitude from 1to 6km, while the sand and dust in the downstream areas were concentrated near the height of 2km. The dust with larger particle size appeared more frequently near the surface, while the smaller particles were mainly distributed in the middle and lower troposphere.
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