Abstract:The indigenous urease-producing bacterium selected from nursery soil were employed in the test of MICP treatment of MSWI fly ash. The solidification / stabilization effect of the treated fly ash was evaluated by particle size distribution, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and heavy metal leaching toxicity. The results showed that under the combined action of MICP of Ensifer adhaerens and pozzolanic properties of fly ash, the solidification and stabilization of fly ash were obvious; under the optimal working condition, the UCS could reach 205.2kPa and the elastic modulus could reach 200MPa, and the leaching concentrations of Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn and Cu all met the class III requirements of the environmental quality standards for surface water. On this basis, the performance of asphalt pavement with the subgrade filler partly replaced by solidified fly ash was analyzed by using finite element software ABAQUS. The results showed that the reconstructive subgrade could effectively reduce the tensile strain at bottom, prolong the fatigue life and effectively reduce the rutting damage of the asphalt pavement. Therefore, the part replacement of subgrade filler is one of the promising ways for the utilization of fly ash.
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