Investigation on the oynergistic mechanism of co-disposal of chromium-containing soil by digestate and ferrous sulfate
LI Rong-qiang1, WANG Shuai2, ZHANG Hai-xiu3, SHA Fu-jian4, ZHANG Da-lei1, ZHAO Jian-wei1, SUN Ying-jie1
1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Shandong Qingdao 266033, China; 2. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Enviroment, Chengyang Branch, Shandong Qingdao 266100, China; 3. Jierui Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Yantai 264003, China; 4. The Second Hydrogeology and Engineering Geological Team of Shandong Provincial Geological Survey Bureau (Shandong Lubei Geological Engineering Investigation Institute), Shandong Dezhou 253072, China
Abstract:Digestate and ferrous sulfate were combined to co dispose the chromium-containing soil, the synergistic effect of co-disposal was verified after the preliminarily optimizing of disposal parameters, and the synergistic mechanism was revealed by XPS analysis and microbial community analysis. Co-disposal of digestate and ferrous sulfate could reduce the content of Cr (VI) in soil to undetected (the detection limit was 0.2mg/kg), which was better than that with ferrous sulfate treatment, and the reduction rate of co-dispose was higher than that of digestate alone. The analysis of microbial community structure showed that the abundance and diversity of bacterial community in co-dispose group was higher than that in digestate alone, and the relative abundance of chromium reducing bacteria, iron reducing bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria was significantly increased in the co-dispose soil. XPS analysis showed that Fe(Ⅱ), sulfites and sulfides were present in the soil after co-dispose. Combined with the results of microbial community analysis, the process of microbial catalytic reduction of Cr (VI) in digestate by iron and sulfur was confirmed. This study provides a new idea for the treatment of low carbon high concentration Cr (VI) contaminated soil.
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LI Rong-qiang, WANG Shuai, ZHANG Hai-xiu, SHA Fu-jian, ZHANG Da-lei, ZHAO Jian-wei, SUN Ying-jie. Investigation on the oynergistic mechanism of co-disposal of chromium-containing soil by digestate and ferrous sulfate. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(5): 2229-2237.
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