Abstract:This paper selects the panel data of 30 provinces and cities in China from 2000 to 2018 to construct the low-carbon energy consumption structure index, and investigates the relationship and heterogeneity between carbon trading policy and the energy consumption structure using multi-period double difference and triple difference methods, and further explores the mechanism of carbon trading policy on the low-carbon energy consumption structure by using multiple intermediary effect model. The results show that carbon trading policy significantly improves the low-carbon level of regional energy consumption structure and the effect keeps increasing year by year. The mechanism analysis shows that the incentive effect of the “four major effects” is obvious, and the effect from large to small is structural optimization effect, behavior-driven effect, ecological innovation effect and environmental protection expenditure effect. From the perspective of heterogeneity, the implementation of policies in regions with slower GDP growth has accelerated the low-carbon transition of energy consumption structure, and the impact is significantly higher than that in regions with faster GDP growth; carbon trading policy has a significant positive effect on the eastern region, but no significant effect on the central and western regions.
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