Abstract:The saline-alkali soil (EC=0.27mS/cm) in hetao irrigation area of Inner Mongolia was collected, and the soil conductivity was adjusted by NaCl to (0,10,20,40,80mS/cm). Based on stable carbon isotope, the soil CO2 uptake and insoluble inorganic carbon content (SI) of soils with different conductivity were analyzed after adding quantitative δ13C-CO2) - the delta 13C values. The results showed that salinic-alkali soil could absorb CO2, and the cumulative CO2 uptake increased with the increase of soil conductivity (EC). The cumulative CO2 uptake of S5(EC=80mS/cm) was 1.6640mg higher than that of S1(0.27ms /cm). Soil SIC content (R2=0.7080,P<0.05) and soil soluble inorganic carbon content (DIC)(R2=0.6096,P<0.05) were significantly negatively correlated with soil EC. The value of SIC-d13C (-5.299‰~-0.8341‰) in saline-alkali soil increased significantly with the addition of d13C-CO2. In EC, the highest d13C-CO2 concentration was 1.276mg in 20mS/cm soil, and the highest δ13C-CO2 concentration was 30.28% in soil 13CO2 absorption. When EC was 80mS/cm, the lowest carbon sequestration was 0.2749mg, and the total d13C-CO2 sequestration accounted for 5.579% of the total 13CO2 sequestration.
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