Abstract:To study the impact of the market-oriented allocation of energy on TFP, which is the core indicator of high-quality development (HQD), and its effect of pollution abatement and carbon reduction (PACR) to explore the possibility of the synergy of HQD and PACR, a stochastic frontier production function was utilized to estimate the change and decomposition of China's industrial TFP from 2010 to 2020, and the impact on the change of TFP and its energy saving potential based on the optimal allocation in a fully competitive market were estimated. Based on the estimation, the potential and effect of PACR were calculated. The study found that: China's industrial TFP growth was sluggish, but the market-oriented allocation of energy could promote TFP growth; Market-oriented allocation of energy could bring significant potential and effect of PACR. The annual reduction was about 15%~20% of the actual emissions. By continuously promoting energy marketization, with a sound institutional system and a reasonable energy price system, synergy of HQD and PACR could be achieved.
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