Emission reduction mechanism of environmental regulation from a perspective of whole-process prevention: Evidences from the Yangtze River Economic Belt
SHEN Xiao-mei1, YU Xin-xin2, JIANG Ming-dong3, WANG Lei4
1. School of Economics and Management, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 224051, China; 2. Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; 3. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 4. School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Abstract:Based on the panel data of 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2007 to 2017, we used mediation effect model to explore emission reduction mechanisms of the government-led and market-incentive environmental regulations from the perspective of whole-process prevention. Both the government-led and the market-incentive environmental regulations, with impact coefficients of -0.154 and -0.209, respectively, significantly suppressed SO2 emissions. The government-led environmental regulation had played a significant role in reducing emissions during the process of source prevention, process control and end treatment, while the market-incentive environmental regulation only acted on emission reduction in the process of end treatment. Therefore, although market-incentive environmental regulation is low-cost and high-efficiency, since played by the source prevention and process control plays a fundamental role in eco-environmental protection, it is still necessary for less developed areas and industries to pay attention to government-led environmental regulation, i.e., to implement regional-specific and scientific environmental regulation tools, to local conditions to control the pollution throughout the process.
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SHEN Xiao-mei, YU Xin-xin, JIANG Ming-dong, WANG Lei. Emission reduction mechanism of environmental regulation from a perspective of whole-process prevention: Evidences from the Yangtze River Economic Belt. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(12): 5561-5568.
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