The evolution pattern of green innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
PENG Jia-chao1, XU Rong-rong2, FU Li-na3, YI Ming1, XU Yao-dong1
1. School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Hubei Education Examinations Authority, Wuhan 430074, China; 3. School of International Education, South-central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract:Under the consideration of unexpected output, the innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt was measured through the use of Two Stage Network DEA method (Super-efficiency undesirable outputs)-for the period of 2008 to 2016. The LMDI method was also used to decompose the influencing factors, and estimate the actual contribution shares of individual factors and regional differences. The result showed that the average value of green innovation efficiency of the overall industrial enterprises in the Yangtze River Economic Belt was 0.2710, which means that the DEA was not effective during the sampling period. The figure showed a decreasing trend from the downstream area to the upstream area. The average green innovation efficiency gap between the downstream area enterprises and middle and upstream area enterprises was broadened gradually, denoting an obvious unbalanced development among them. Generally speaking, the innovation effect had the greatest impact on the green innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises, followed by the industrial enterprise assimilation of technology effect, the purchase of domestic technology effect, the introduction of technological effect, technological transformation effect and industrial pollution control effect. Meanwhile, the new product development funding effect played a predominant role at the first and second stages. The expenditure on assimilation of technology and the expenditure on domestic technology purchasing had positively promoted the green innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises. The increase of expenditure on both assimilation of technology and purchase of domestic technology had the same effect at the two stages, but the effect at the second stage was significantly reduced. The contribution of various factors to the green innovation efficiency of industrial enterprises showd a weakening trend from the east to the west, but the effect in the central region was not high. From the time series, the average amount of the effect in the Yangtze River economic belt showed a increasing trend, with an exception during the period of "The Twelfth Five-Year Plan". In addition, the effects of various factors in the upstream and midstream areas promoted the efficiency of green innovation in industrial enterprises.
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