Abstract:The residues of 34 antibiotics including sulfonamides (SAs), quinolones (QNs), macrolides (MLs), tetracyclines (TCs), β-lactams (β-Ls) and chloramphenicols (CPs) were analyzed by ultrasonic extraction-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS in Shenzha Town of Tibet, located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results showed that 5, 12 and 10 antibiotics were detected in water, sediments and soils of Shenzha Town, with the concentration ranges of 0.01~11.27ng/L、0.96~56.38ng/g and 0.01~41.04ng/g, respectively. In water, the dominant antibiotics were amoxicillin and sulfachloropyridazine, and in soils and sediments, roxithromycin and norfloxacin were dominant, 8 antibiotics were detected in yak feces at a concentration of 0.01~1.03ng/g. Between urban and pastoral areas, the significant differences were observed in the antibiotics distribution characteristics. The concentrations of selected antibiotics: urban areas > pastoral areas. In the urban areas, sewage discharges were the main sources of antibiotics while in pastoral areas, animal excretions were the essential source. The levels of antibiotics residues in Shenzha Town were lower than those residues in other regions in China. Because of the average altitudes of Shenzha town on the plateau environment are more than 4700m, the ecosystem is very fragile, and should pay more attention to the negative impacts of these antibiotics as new pollutants.
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