Effect of light illumination on antibiotic degradation and microbial community in manure
LIN Hui1, MA Jun-wei1, SUN Wan-chun1, YU Qiao-gang1, YE Jing1, YU Yi-jun2
1. Institute of Environment, Resource, Soil & Fertilizer, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China; 2. Hangzhou Center for Inspection and Testing for Quality and Safety of Fertilizer, Zhejiang Cultivated Land Quality and Fertilizer Management Station, Hangzhou 310020, China
Abstract:This work investigated the effect of light illumination on antibiotic degradation during manure fermentation. The concentrations of antibiotic residues and bacterial communities in pig and chicken manure samples after solid-state incubation under dark and light conditions were analyzed. Results indicated that light illumination improved the removal of antibiotic residues in manure samples, particularly in pig manure, showing a maximum decline of 23.8% in the total antibiotic concentration. All the pig manure samples after a light incubation showed lower residual concentrations of tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and sulfonamides than those incubated in the dark. The proliferation of sulfonamides-resistant bacteria in pig manure samples could also be inhibited by light illumination, accompanied by increases in the diversity of the bacterial community and the abundances of some bacterial genera relating to organic matter degradation. In chicken manure, the effect of light illumination on the degradation of antibiotics varied greatly among chicken manure samples and light duration treatments. It was found that light illumination inhibited the degradation of sulfonamides in some chicken manure samples, accompanied by an increase in the sulfonamide resistance bacterial population and a decline in the diversity and abundance of manure bacterial community. This work suggested that supplying appropriate light illumination during the storage or processing processes of animal manure, especially pig manure, could be an option to improve the elimination of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.
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LIN Hui, MA Jun-wei, SUN Wan-chun, YU Qiao-gang, YE Jing, YU Yi-jun. Effect of light illumination on antibiotic degradation and microbial community in manure. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(1): 263-272.
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