Comparative study on CO2 emissions under different recycling technologies for food waste in Japan
JIANG Xiao-qun1, TAN Ling-zhi2, SUN Yue-yang3
1. School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renming University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. Center for Population Development and Policy Research, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400672, China; 3. Anhui Development and Reform Commission, Hefei 230001, China
Abstract:Based on life cycle assessment (LCA), survey data and statistical data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan and Ministry of Environment of Japan were used to evaluate CO2 emissions of food waste under different recycling or non-recycling treatment systems. The research makes comparisons of CO2 emissions reduction caused by 10 kinds of recycling technology and 3non-recycling (mainly incineration) treatment technologies. The results show that, pretreatment and treatment stages combined accounts for almost 85% CO2 emissions, and the least is recycling stage, which can offset part of the emissions. As for the total emission, methanation (circulating digestive liquids) is the most favorable one with 380.6kg CO2e/t reduction a year. In addition, it turns out that methanation (only) and fertilization can reduce CO2 emissions, while solidification of combustible waste (RDF), methanation (mixed with underground water), feed (liquefaction), methanation (mixed with incineration), carbonization, ethanol, feed (extra drying) and incineration (power generation), incineration (no power generation), incineration of combustible waste (no power generation) all increase the CO2 emission successively. While excluding recycling products transportation, methanation (mixed with underground water) will produce less CO2 emission than the feed (liquefaction), and the other order will remain the same according to the advantages and disadvantages of technologies.
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