Treatment of effluent from MBR by Fenton cathode-electrocoagulation ozone air flotation process
DIAO Yue1, YANG Chao1, JIN Xin1,2, SUN Hui1, JIN Peng-kang1,2
1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China; 2. School of Human Settlement Environment and Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
Abstract:In order to remove organic matter in landfill leachate MBR effluent, the Fenton cathode-electrocoagulation ozone air flotation process was constructed with aluminum (Al) as anode and carbon polytetrafluoroethylene (C-PTFE) as cathode. The removal characteristics of this process for landfill leachate MBR membrane effluent were investigated by comparing with the conventional electrocoagulation cathode (Al and SS). When the pH5 and ozone flow were 300mL/min, the COD removal rate of Fenton cathode system was increased by 30.03% and 15.16%, respectively, compared with that of SS and Al cathode systems. According to the analysis of three-dimensional fluorescence characteristics, the C-PTFE cathode system had a good removal effect on humic acids. A typical refractory organic compound IBP (ibuprofen) was selected in MBR effluent to clarify the mechanism of organic degradation. The results showed that compared with SS cathode and Al cathode, the H2O2 production of C-PTFE cathode system was increased by 63.27% and 122.22%, respectively. The quenching experiment showed that ·OH was generated not only through the reaction of H2O2 and O3, but also through the reaction of O3-and H2O, it was proved that THE C-PTFE cathode had a certain strengthening effect on the electrocoagulation ozone flotation process, and was more conducive to the removal of organic matter.
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DIAO Yue, YANG Chao, JIN Xin, SUN Hui, JIN Peng-kang. Treatment of effluent from MBR by Fenton cathode-electrocoagulation ozone air flotation process. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(2): 728-735.
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