Species composition and tracing characteristics of VOCs in the air of gas station and surrounding areas
BI Shen-yu1, SONG Li-lai1, YIN Si-han1, SHU Qin1, YAO Lu1, ZHU Jing2, BI Xiao-hui1, FENG Yin-chang1
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution Prevention and Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China; 2. Huabei Institute, Sinopec Sales Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300384, China
Abstract:In this study, VOCs samples were collected and species composition analysis was carried out in and around gasoline and diesel refueling outlets in a typical urban area to investigate the marker species of VOCs emitted from gas stations. The results showed that the main VOCs species emitted by gasoline are alkanes (70~72%), olefins (13~14%) and oxygenated organic matter (11~12%). The main species were isopentane (20~24%), and other C4~C6alkanes were also high-proportion species. Alkanes were the main components emitted by diesel fuel, accounting for 70~72% of the total VOCs, followed by olefins and oxygenated organic compounds, respectively contributing 13~14% and 11~12%. Aromatic hydrocarbons accounted for 2~3%. The contents of isopentane (17~21%) and n-butane (15~17%) were relatively high. The proportion of low-carbon C2~C4 alkanes and heavier high-carbon C7~C12 alkanes were higher than that of gasoline. In comparison with the results from the single physical dispersion model, we found that the olefins species had undergone significant photochemical reactions during transport. The ratios of the characteristic species started to approach the ratio range of motor vehicle exhaust outside the area >70m from the gas station, beyond which the contribution of gas station emissions might be small.
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BI Shen-yu, SONG Li-lai, YIN Si-han, SHU Qin, YAO Lu, ZHU Jing, BI Xiao-hui, FENG Yin-chang. Species composition and tracing characteristics of VOCs in the air of gas station and surrounding areas. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2024, 44(2): 620-628.
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