Abstract:In order to understand the patterns of O3 pollution in Tianjin, based on the monitoring data of O3, concentrations and compositions of precursors, and meteorological data, differences in the key influencing factors and variation characteristics of O3 during two typical periods were analyzed by using the atmospheric chemical model and marker source tracking technology. The study period was from August 1th to 4th and September 8th to 10th in 2022, during which there were two typical processes of continuous high temperature and strong light weathers. The results showed that the impact of atmospheric diffusion condition on the precursors and ozone formation potentials (OFP) was the key factor affecting the O3 concentration in the two high-temperature processes. The 50.6% difference in ventilation coefficient, 137.5% difference in NO2 concentration and 6.4% difference in OFP led to the obvious difference of O3 concentration in two high-temperature processes, the O3 concentration was at good level from August 1th to 4th, while O3 concentration was at lightly to moderately pollution level from September 8th to 10th. Observation and chemical model showed good consistency in the analysis of O3 formation. Compared with the period of August 1th to 4th, the net production of O3 in the daytime increased by 2.04µg/(m3·h) and the net loss of O3 at night decreased by 0.88µg/(m3·h) from September 8th to 10th, which led to a significant difference in the concentration of O3 between the two processes. In addition, the low-pressure system was more likely to reduce the surface O3 concentrations than the high-pressure system after the weakening of thermal rise at night, which was the auxiliary reason for the difference of O3 concentrations during the two continuous high temperature processes. Analysis of the two processes and the characteristics of O3 pollution in the summer of 2022 showed that OFP was greatly restricted by the influence of atmospheric diffusion conditions on precursors except the influence of photochemical indicators such as temperature and ultraviolet radiation in 2022, under the high temperature and strong light weather conditions, the correlation coefficient between ventilation coefficient and O3 concentrations from July to September has reached 0.61. With the continuously promote of PM2.5 and O3 collaborative control, indicators such as low wind speed, low mixing layer and ventilation coefficient, which are used to analyze the atmospheric diffusion for PM2.5 will be more indicative in O3 prediction and control in the future.
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