Characteristics and sources of atmospheric VOCs pollution in Jincheng
ZHANG Peng-hui1, HU Dong-mei1, PENG Lin2, NIU Wei-li3, GONG Xing-xiao4, YAN Yu-long2, NIU Yue-yuan1, DONG Jia-qi1
1. Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental System Optimization, Ministry of Education, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China; 2. School of the Environment, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 3. Jincheng Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Jincheng 048000, China; 4. Jincheng Ecological Environment Monitoring Center of Shanxi Province, Jincheng 048000, China
Abstract:Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) samples were collected at environmental sampling sites in Jincheng, and the characteristics of VOCs components under different wind direction were analyzed. The VOC sources were identified by diagnostic ratios and positive matrix factorization (PMF), the hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) was used to trace the contribute of typical contaminated areas in summer. The results showed that the average VOC concentration was (19.4 ±7.1) μg/m3 under southerly wind, and (33.3±17.3) μg/m3 under northerly wind. VOCs concentration in northerly wind was nearly 70% higher than that in southerly wind, and northern industrial park had a great impact on VOCs concentration in urban areas. The components concentration showed the characteristics of alkane > aromatic > alkene >alkyne. The concentration of alkane and aromatic was significantly higher in the northerly wind than that in the southerly wind, and the concentration of alkyne was similar in different wind directions. The average concentration of ozone formation potential (OFP) was (50.5±17.1) μg/m3 under southerly wind, and (84.30±44.0) μg/m3 under northerly wind. Under different wind direction, the contribution of components showed the characteristics of alkene > alkanes > aromatics > alkynes. The hourly variation range of VOCs components and OFP under the north wind direction was significantly higher than that under the south wind direction, especially in the morning and evening and during the rush hour. The northern industrial park and the vehicular emissions had a prominent impact on the urban area. Atmospheric VOCs were controlled by aging air mass under northerly and southerly winds, and the changes of OFP and O3 concentration showed the opposite trends under different wind directions. There was a strong potential source area in the northern border region of Henan, and its percentage contribution to Jincheng summer VOCs was about 25.3%. Local combustion, vehicular emissions and industrial process were the key sources of VOCs control in Jincheng, especially to strengthen the control of industrial and vehicular emissions in the northern region of Jincheng City.
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