The role and microbial interaction of anammox in WWTPs with AAO process
WANG Shan-yun1, MA Bin2, JIA Fang-xu2, PENG Yong-zhen1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Engineering Research Center of Beijing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Basing on qPCR assay and 15N isotope tracing technique, the abundance, rate, role, and microbial interaction of anammox was investigated in three WWTPs of anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (AAO) process. Results showed anammox bacteria was detected in all samples with abundance of 106~107copies/g VSS, and rate of 0.11~0.90 μmol N/(g VSS·h). As for the microbial interaction among anammox and other microbial process, heterotrophic denitrification was not only a more important provider but a stronger competitor for NO2-, compared with autotrophic nitrification, in which AOB was the major NO2- producer. The roles of anammox to ammonia oxidation and nitrogen removal were calculated to be 2.55%~7.89% and 2.07%~6.59%, respectively, and the role of anammox in summer was higher than that in winter. Further, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) proved the temperature is one of the key environmental variables, and nitri- & denitri- rates were primary microbial factors for anammox. Results suggested although the abundance of anammox bacteria was not high, the widespread of anammox played an overlooked role of N removal, which supplemented N balance calculation in biological wastewater treatment process, and provided theoretical support for the realization of anammox in the field of low-NH4+-N sewage treatment.
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WANG Shan-yun, MA Bin, JIA Fang-xu, PENG Yong-zhen. The role and microbial interaction of anammox in WWTPs with AAO process. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2016, 36(7): 1988-1996.
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