Development on the benthic index of biological integrity and determination for the biocriteria
CAI Wen-qian1,2, ZHU Yan-zhong1,2, LIN Kui-xuan1,2, XIA Yang1,2, LIU Lu-san1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;
2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Estuary and Coastal Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
The Benthic Index of Biological index (B-IBI) was erected based on the related data (macrozoobenthos, water quality and sediment environment) collected from the Tianjin coastal areas of the Bohai Bay during 2009 to 2013 as well as the available research experience. This is the first time to determine reference sites using AZTI marine biotic indices, water quality and sediment quality. Meanwhile, the standard method was employed to select biological indicators and to define the different levels for their thresholds. Thus, the index of biological integrity was developed. The 90% quantile of the IBI values in the reference sites was adopted as the base value and the calculated biocriteria value was 5. Results showed that the IBI could indicate the ecological quality of the study area, and also could response to nutrients and heavy metals pressures in this area. Therefore, it was reasonable and feasible to determine the biocriteria with the IBI method.
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CAI Wen-qian, ZHU Yan-zhong, LIN Kui-xuan, XIA Yang, LIU Lu-san. Development on the benthic index of biological integrity and determination for the biocriteria. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2016, 36(9): 2791-2799.
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