Continuous thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and straw
LIU Yue-ling1,2, QIAO Wei1,2, CROCE Serena3, ALGAPANI Dalal3, YAN Xin-rong2, ZHAO Jing1,2, SU Min1,2, ADANI Fabrizio3, DONG Ren-jie1,2
1. Biomass Engineering Center, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;
2. R&D Center for Efficient Production and Comprehensive Utilization of Biobased Gaseous Fuels, Energy Authority, National Development and Reform Committee (BGFeuls), China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;
3. School of Agriculture, University of Milan, Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy
A 200-days continuous methane fermentation experiment and 40-days batch experiment were carried out to treat mixture of maize straw and food waste at thermophilic condition. Thecontinuous reactor was operated feed with total solid 8% feedstock by shortening the hydraulic retention time (HRT) stepwise through 15, 10, 8and 5days and the heavy acidification occurred when the organic loading rate (OLR) reached 16g VS/(L·d) at HRT of 5days. Then the reactor was recovered with the volatile fatty acids decreasing from 4.73to 1.02g/L by stopping feeding for one week and maintains a neutral pH. A total solid removal efficiency and methane conversion ratio of 55.6% and 64.5% was obtained at OLR of 10gVS/(L·d). The methane production potential of food waste, straw and mixture of food waste and straw was obtained at 448, 221, 268mL CH4/gVS using a batch experiment. The maximum methane production rate of those materials was 63, 45 and 41mLCH4/(gVS·d) respectively. The results obtained in this study provided useful information for the utilization of food waste and straw for energy production.
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