Numerical simulation of diffusion characteristics of high-temperature particles generated by multiple pollution sources in welding process
HAN Kun1, ZHUANG Jia-wei1,2, DIAO Yong-fa1, REN Mei1, ZHANG Li-an1
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. College of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
Abstract:In order to explore the migration law of particles under the action of hot airflow in the process of hot working, the diffusion characteristics of high-temperature particles associated with multiple buoyant jets are numerically studied based on the gas-solid two-phase discrete particle model (DPM). The instantaneous changes of the temperature and velocity of the hot airflow and the particle group during the two-phase flow are discussed. The results show that for the high-temperature particle group with 473K£T0£673K, the temperature attenuation trend is similar, and the temperature distribution of the particle group is centrosymmetric. When the particle size is between 5μm and 20μm, the followability between particles and airflow decreases as the particle size increases.Thermal plumes have undergone independent development and merging processes over time.The disappearance of the vortex structure between the plumes causes the particles with a particle size of 10mm emitted by the central pollution source to settle moreeasily.
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