1. School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
2. Huozhou Secondary School of Shanxi, Huozhou 031400, China;
3. College of Life Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
The bacterial strain Rhodococcus sp. KDQ2 capable of utilizing quinoline as sole carbon and nitrogen source, and energy was isolated from the activated sludge of a coking wastewater treatment plant. The optimum temperature and initial pH for quinoline degradation were determined to be 37℃ and 6~9, respectively. KDQ2 degraded 96% of quinoline at a 200mg/L initial concentration within 24h, and its degradation kinetics could be described with Haldane's model. KDQ2 was shown to be able to also utilize pyridine but not phenol. The removal of quinoline (150mg/L) was not inhibited by the presence of pyridine (150mg/L) and phenol (400mg/L) in 1d. KDQ2 was able to adapt to real coking wastewater containing high concentrations of quinoline, pyridine and phenol, KDQ2 coexisted with other microbes of activated sludge in aeration tank and notably improved the removal of quinoline and TOC.
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