Study on the removal characteristics and genotoxicity of trichlorocarban during disinfections by NaClO, UV and UV/NaClO
LU Bao-song1,2, MA Xiao-yan1, LI Qing-song2, LUO Jing-yu3, SHEN Qi-qi4, LIAO Jie2, LIAO Wen-chao2, CHEN Guo-yuan2, LI Guo-xin2
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China; 2. Water Resource and Environment Institute, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361005, China; 3. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China; 4. National Engineering Reseach Center For Marine Aqaculture, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316000, China
Abstract:The removal characteristics of trichlorocarban (TCC) during disinfections were studied by NaClO, UV and UV/NaClO combined disinfection. The genetic toxicity of TCC solution in three disinfection technologies was also investigated. Furthermore, the degradation products were identified and the degradation mechanism of TCC was discussed. The effects of several factors such as NaClO dosage, TCC initial concentration, pH value and humic acid (HA) on TCC removal were studied during UV/NaClO combined disinfection. The results showed that the removal efficiency of TCC was in the order:UV/NaClO, UV, NaClO, and the genetic toxicity of TCC solution was increased by disinfection treatment to varying degrees. Eight kinds of TCC degradation products were identified by LC-MS. The main degradation pathways were dechlorination, chlorination, and ·OH/O· oxidating. The removal rate of TCC by UV/NaClO combined disinfection was more than 97%; The removal of TCC was negatively correlated with its initial concentration; The removal rate of TCC increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of pH;Low concentration of humic acid (HA) contributed to the removal of TCC, whereas high.
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LU Bao-song, MA Xiao-yan, LI Qing-song, LUO Jing-yu, SHEN Qi-qi, LIAO Jie, LIAO Wen-chao, CHEN Guo-yuan, LI Guo-xin. Study on the removal characteristics and genotoxicity of trichlorocarban during disinfections by NaClO, UV and UV/NaClO. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(5): 1752-1759.
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